Fix My Kite

High Visibility Pro-Line Set

High Visibility Pro-Line Set

Available in 25M, 27M, or Custom-cut to lengths shorter than 27M, PKS High-Visibility Pro-Lines fly line sets are specifically designed for kitesurfing, and are the same quality as all the other top brands. Why pay more for the same product? These lines are great to have as a spare on a trip or at your local beach so you never miss out on a session because of a broken or damaged line. These come in a complete set of 4 lines: brightly colored red, blue, and two grey, make visibility easy for both you and any bystanders.


  • Set of 4 Dyneema lines
  • 700 lbs line
  • Sleeved line with stitched loops on all ends
  • Pre-Stretched
  • Coated to reduce fraying or twisting
  • High Visibility